Saturday, July 21, 2012

Fixing the car!!

I must say that my tune has changed quite a bit since my last post.  I have to admit that I was quite depressed and dissappointed but I have received quite a bit of encouragement and support from friends and family and I'm now very motivated to get the car fixed before the F1600 pro race at Summit Point the weekend of August 24th.  The main thing that needs to be fixed is of course is the frame and here are some pics of the damage.

And here are some pics of the other damage.

That's the bad news but the good news is that I have been tearing down the car in the evenings and today and have gotten it down to the bare frame so that it can be welded.  I will be dropping it off with someone tomorrow to have it sand blasted on Monday and then it will be given to a welder that has a surface plate and the necessary tools to repair it.

I can re-glass the side panel and a fellow racer has offered to sell me some sidepods and radiator shrouds so I will be getting those in a next couple of weeks.  I have the A-Arms and I might have a steering link and I might have a lead on a used radiator but if that falls through then I can order a new one.  I have actually already repaired the fuel cell cover by pounding the aluminium back into shape. When stripping the car, I tried to do it by undoing the least amount of stuff as possible so that it will be faster to put it all together.  For example, since I used the weather pack connectors, I was able to remove all of the wiring with the engine and without disconnecting all of the sensors attached to the engine.

So, it is a good start and I have a month to get the car ready.  As long as the frame is repaired pretty quickly then I have a good shot of making it.  I love a challenge!!

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