Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Big Thanks!

I have been thinking about my statement in a previous post about their being too many people to thank and that is just not true.  So here are some of the notable people that I want to thank for helping me successfully complete this huge undertaking.

1) Rob for giving me a great deal on a great car.
2) Eric Langbein for modifying the car to accept he Honda Fit engine and for imparting some of his knowledge to me.  I look forward to working with him more and learning a lot more!!
3) Tim Minor for answering all my questions and sharing his wealth of experience and knowledge with these cars to me.  Btw, if anyone in the Fairfax, VA area needs a good mechanic -- take your car to Tim Minor's shop -- Automotive Specialist Center.
4) Jeremy Grenier of Ski Motorsports for sharing all the cool things that he has done with his FF.  I just hope I can be as fast as him!
5) My good friend Bruce for his continued support. 
6) Brad Baytos of Primus Racing for helping me figure out what I need and for giving me some great deals!
7) Dave and Warren at Everware-CBDI (the company I work for) for giving me the time off when I needed it to finish up the car and for always supporting me in this racing hobby.
8) And most importantly, my beautiful wife (and crew) Terry.  Without her support, absolutely none of this would have been possible -- and it definitely would not be any fun without her!!  THANKS TERRY!!!

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